​Laundry Pickup & Delivery Service near Visalia

Why spend time doing laundry when you can use our pick up laundry service? Our laundry delivery service is available 7 days a week! We serve Visalia, Tulare, Exeter, Porterville, Lindsay & Three Rivers. Take a load off and try our pickup & delivery laundry service today!

(Weekly Pickups)
Per Pound

(Biweekly Pickups)
Per Pound

(One-Time Pickup)
Per Pound

  • Adult Clothes $1.85 / $2.10 per lb
  • Kid's Clothes $1.85 / $2.10 per lb
  • Sheets/Towels $1.85 / $2.10 per lb
  • Regular Pillows $10.00
  • Car/Boat Covers $20.00-$25.00
  • Sleeping Bags $20.00-$25.00
  • Throw Blanket $10.00
  • Twin Size Blanket $18.00
  • Full Size Blanket $18.00
  • Queen Size Blanket $25.00
  • King Size Blanket $25.00
  • Weighted Blanket (Any Size) $25.00
  • Down Blanket (Any Size) $30.00

*Price varies on Blankets, Covers & Sleeping bags according to size.

**Weekly/Biweekly discount applied automatically to by-the-pound orders

Order Minimum For All Service Areas: $30

It's as simple as clicking on "Schedule a Pickup" and creating an account. Our laundry service will pick up your clothes from you. You don't need to be home to use the laundry pickup and delivery service. Just leave your laundry bag(s) in a secure location and we will pick it up from there. Schedule your home laundry service pickup and delivery today! Call: (559) 302-0305